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03 марта 2016г.

It is a well known fact, that the energy potential of the air masses is enormous. The energy stores of the wind in about one hundred times exceed the ones in all the rivers of the planet. The wind is the most easily available and renewable source of the energy in comparison with all the others. Unlike the sun energy, the wind energy is available in winter and in summer, day and night, in the North and in the South.

As experience of many countries shows, usage of the wind energy is very beneficial, as, firstly, it is almost free and, secondly, the electricity is derived from the wind energy and not from burning any carbohydrate fuel, products of which are hazardous for the human health.

Russia posseses quite considerable wind energy resources, including in the regions with no centralized energy supply. The vast implementation of the wind energy plants (WEP) into current energetics of the country is necessary for the fast development of the wind based energy production in Russia .

There should be WEP of high and low capacity for solving the energy supply of the remote regions, as well. Statistics show that the energy produced by the wind energy generator of 1 MW capacity allows to save around 29 000 tons of charcoal or 92 000 barrels of oil in 20 years period of time. The cost of the electricity produced by the wind generator depends on the wind’s speed.

The wind energy plants don’t pollute the environment and don’t affect the temperature balance of the Earth, they don’t consume the oxygen and don’t produce the carbon dioxide. Today the wind energy plants are providing oil industry with the electricity and due to that the oil industry plants work successfully in the remote regions, on the islands, in Arctic, on thousands of the agricultural farms remote from the big cities and cut from the general power plants.

The wind energetics attract increasing interest and intention to upgrade the plants for achieving maximum possible efficiency. In many countries the plants start being used in the private houses, on the farms and by the small manufactures.

The work performed under the guidance of docent : Garanina Tatiana Vladimirovna.



List of references

1.     «Защита атмосферы от выбросов пыли на предприятиях железнодорожного транспорта», М. 2013 г., Т.В. Гаранина, Ю.П. Сидоров, Е. В. Тимошенкова.

2.     «Климатология и метеорология на железнодорожном транспорте», М.2002 г., Т.В. Гаранина, Л.В. Киселева, С.В. Васильев.